As we are getting closer to the 3rd year of the pandemic Infection Prevention is still as relevant as ever before. Join us on October 17-23 on IIPW.

SARAYA świętuje Międzynarodowy Tydzień Zapobiegania Zakażeniom 2021

Some countries have already started carefully lifting restrictions while others are still struggling from COVID-19. Either way, the safety of patients is still, and always will be, crucial. Hospitals around the world are busy fighting the coronavirus pandemic, but we mustn't forget about other foes as well; healthcare-associated infections are not to be taken lightly, especially in the light of the upcoming flu season. And in this time of ongoing war with bacteria and viruses, APIC's IIPW awareness campaign, which will take place October 17-23, can arm us up with the necessary tools and knowledge. Following last year’s IIPW's theme that honored infection preventionists (IPs), this year’s message “Make Your Intention Infection Prevention” is still strongly connected to it, focusing on the science behind infection prevention and inspiring the next generation of IPs to join the fight.

IPs are a diverse group of healthcare professionals that have one common mission – to make sure that patients and healthcare workers remain protected from infections by washing their hands, staying well-informed, and following all safety guidelines. We believe that we all should be a little bit IPs, watching over each other to protect ourselves and those around us!

Join us in honoring International Infection Prevention Week, take a look at our posters, and learn more on the official website here.

Find below original SARAYA posters to promote infection prevention:

IIPW2020 poster 1 IIPW2020 poster 2 IIPW2020 poster 3
red download button red download button red download button


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